Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Chairman's Challenge 2011

This challenge seems to have become a regular event in our Guild, I would like the next one to be our theme for our 30th anniversary on April 13th, 2011.

Pearls and Sweetpeas are the symbols for a 30th anniversary celebration, so my challenge to you is to create an item from any fibre using any or many of the colours of sweetpeas. If you can include a pearl or two so much the better.

This is not a competition, but there may be random prizes, and I would like to retain all the entries for the duration of 2011 so that we can use them for the basis of our exhibition.

Please provide some information as to the content and techniques of your item (not more than one side of A4 paper).

This challenge is entirely optional but it would be nice to have lots of participants.

So, this is my first attempt at Blogging, here goes, after a discussion at guild today I was asked to put on the site a plea for us all to look at home and check whether we have borrowed spinning bobbins from Guild, and to then return them a.s.a.p. as we are desparately short of them in the studio.

Our first Taster Day went well, those that came enjoyed their time, and provided work and other commitments permit, they may be back!

I am looking forward to being in Brecon on Saturday and most of us will probably be adding to our stashes. So bang goes that idea I had of finally having a clean slate. So many ideas and so little time.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Heather takes on Blogger

Major changes afoot,

Watch this space!
pictures taken by Bob Grainger www.bobgraingerphotography.com at the Owain Glyndwr Festival