Monday 7 December 2015

Christmas lunch 2015

Had a lovely time at the Christmas lunch on Saturday, and it was great to see so many Guild members there. Here are a few photos. Sorry if some of them are not quite in focus!

Monday 26 October 2015

Annual Exhibition 2015
The Guild's Annual Exhibition was on the Bank Holiday Weekend at the end of August, at Craig y Nos Country Park. The Chairperson's challenge this year was "Zodiac" which could be interpreted in any way - using whatever type of textile craft we liked - weaving, spinning, felt making, knitting, quilting etc. Here are a few pictures, of some of our zodiac items, and other exhibits.

Monday 19 October 2015

Machine embroidery workshop

We had a great day on Saturday, at Gill's workshop on freehand machine embroidery.

Friday 12 June 2015

Monday 6 April 2015

3D Felt Making Workshop

In February we had a wonderful day of 3D felt making with Pat Johnson.  Here are some of the photos that Christine took during the day.

Saturday 14 March 2015

Bobbin Lace Workshop

We had a wonderful day with Jenny Minet and Mary Coleman from the Lace Guild.

At first it all looked a bit daunting..

We had to concentrate pretty hard

Lots of information about history and signposting to find out more

And finally - a piece of lace!

For more information look up:

Get lacing!
