Monday 1 October 2007

Blogging Workshop

In a fit of abberation I agreed to take a workshop on blogging! That is, showing you guys how to set up a blogger account and how to access this place, how to upload a picture and stuff like that. Bring a laptop if you have one, a digital camera with battteries and memory card ( I almost always forget one of those, so I thought I would remind you in case) and a compatible memory card reader. It helps if you have some kind of experience with a computer as well because I know how mine works but that is as far as it goes really.

So on Tuesday, 30th October after the class we are all trooping up Nell's house and I will give a brief talk on blogging and how to get into this site so you can post up your thoughts, ideas, projects, comments and pictures.

If you have wanted to do this before and, like Isabel have been frustrated at not being able to, then this is your chance. I can promise nothing really because technology and I are not best buddies, but I will do my best and we might get somewhere... who knows where but at the very least we will raid Nell's "hoose" for a cuppa tea and a biscuit.

Thanks Nell for the offer of hospitality.

1 comment:

Nell said...

CLive is booked into the diary and is raring to go ladies. Bannocks will be ready and tea by the bucket load.... Who says I don't know how to be a hostess????