Sunday 11 May 2008

The sun shone and the birds sang and the spinning was grand!

So what was that Haven of Spinning-goodness, nonsense about, well here it is!
Another season of spinning begins, the gazebo is up and we're on for more "spinning in public"

Full of all manner of woolly goodness to show the kinds of things we do and a few things to sell too. And the banner goes in a treat, oh I do love it, when it's summer-time again.

The sun shone all day and we had loads of visitors to the tent with almost every man fascinated by the wheels!

Nell thanks Norma for hosting our spinning day, especially for the Tea-service!

And the best part of the day was when people said they had heard about us and were glad to meet us in person!
At the end of the day I was tired, slightly burnt round the edges from the sun but very happy. Actually I felt like this! Cos We've got an Idea Brewin'

Nell's mascot.


Nell said...
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Nell said...
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Nell said...

A good day was had by all. We even got serenaded

Anonymous said...

Thank you Nell, Isabel and Norma for a really lovely day!

I have erased your duplicate comments Nell, it should all run smoothly now! Famous last words.